Movie-Search-App uses the TMDb API to retrieve information about movies. It’s built with React and styled with CSS using the BEM syntax.
PURPOSE: The project was done to practice the use of functional components, React Hooks and Fetch together with Async/Await feature of JavaScript.
I started building the app by creating the component folders and signing up on the Movies DB to get an API key. Then I added base styles to the app. Next, I created the SearchMovies asyn functional component containing the API call using Fetch. Then I added 2 states - one for input query and the second for movies. For modularity, I created a second functional component called MovieCard for mapping and displaying the list of movies returned by the query string. Lastly, I applied styling for each of the component.
ROADBLOCK: I encountered one major roadblock which was how to conditionally render the text “Loading… Please wait” while awaiting fetch results from the API.
SOLUTION: To solve this, I created in SearchMovies, a isLoading state with initial value of ‘false’, set it to ‘true’ just before fetch and set it back to false just after setMovies.
To learn more visit Github